Upcoming Events

All events below are listed in the U.S. Pacific Timezone. For further timezone information and event details, click “View Event” to learn more.

Women and Water Convening
to Nov 14

Women and Water Convening

2nd Annual Women and Water Convening: A New Story Begins – Stewarding and Healing the Colorado River

Where: San Xavier District of the Tohono O’odham Nation

Who: This event is a collaboration between San Xavier District of the Tohono O’odham Nation, Planet Women, The Sonoran Institute, Indigenous Women’s Leadership Network, The Chapter House, & The Nature Conservancy.

Capacity is limited and attendance is invite-only at this time. Attendees are women** of all ages, identities, backgrounds, and experience working on water in the Colorado River Basin, including those who work for Tribal governments, federal, state, and local governments, and nonprofits.

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Planet Women Presents: Planificación del Legado Liderada por la Comunidad

Planet Women Presents: Planificación del Legado Liderada por la Comunidad

Las comunidades indígenas protegen una gran parte de la biodiversidad restante del planeta, pero sus perspectivas pocas veces son incluidas en las decisiones de desarrollo. Esto debe cambiar.

Únase a Planet Women para un evento interactivo especial con nuestro socio de subvención, Legado, una organización sin fines de lucro dirigida por mujeres que trabaja junto a las comunidades indígenas en el diseño e implementación de Planes de Legado, que son visiones holísticas para un futuro próspero que benefician tanto a los seres humanos como a la biodiversidad.

Habrá interpretación al español e inglés.

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Planet Women Presents: Community-Led Legacy Planning

Planet Women Presents: Community-Led Legacy Planning

Indigenous communities protect much of the planet's remaining biodiversity, yet their perspectives are rarely included in development decisions. This has to change.

Join Planet Women for a special interactive event with our grant partner, Legado, a women-led nonprofit that works alongside Indigenous communities as they design and implement Legacy Plans, which are holistic visions for a thriving future that benefit both people and biodiversity.

Legado will share tangible lessons learned by putting women at the heart of their 360° Community-Led Change approach with examples from their work with Indigenous Peoples in Peru, Mozambique, and Kenya.

Spanish Translation will be available.

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Note: This event is for Ripple Members. Not a member yet? Join us here.

I NEED/I CAN™ is an elegant and powerful tool for resourcing one another. Each person in the group brings forward a professional or personal need, and the group crowdsources resources and solutions to meet their need. Participants will be capped at 15 people each session. A big thank you to Pleiades Network for allowing Planet Women to use and share this tool!

To register for the session on July 18 at 11am Pacific Time, click here.

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Gather and Grow with Planet Women

Gather and Grow with Planet Women

Join us for an interactive session that's all about creating lasting change in your neighborhood, organization, or network. You're invited to GATHER with other changemakers to GROW our community-building skills.  

What you can expect:

Together, we will...

  • Explore the connection between building community and creating a healthy, equitable world 

  • Hear insights from Liliane Pari Umuhoza about the key lessons she has learned about building trust with local leaders and engaging women in environmental efforts across Africa 

  • Exchange wisdom and experiences in a comfortable environment 

  • Get clearer on your personal superpowers and next steps to build community

French translation will be available.

REGISTRATION LINK: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZ0od-iqrjooHtDtkfXSFbFhq3_P0-OGVnaX#/registration

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Facilitation Jam (Ripple Members)

Facilitation Jam (Ripple Members)

Note: This event is for Ripple Members. Not a member? You can join here.

What role can facilitation play in changing our organizations, communities, and world for the better? What steps can we take to be more comfortable and effective facilitators? This experiential session will explore opportunities and best practices of facilitation to increase your skills and comfort level. Special guest: Molly Ware, PhD, an educator, coach, and facilitator passionate about systems change.

Register HERE.

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